Outside of scant ESPN coverage or the occasional Lost reference, sailing doesn’t get a whole lot of attention here in the states. So you’d be forgiven if the term “America’s Cup” conjures an image of patriotic protective sports gear. The newest entry in the Virtual Skipper series has obtained theAmerica’s Cuplicense and the race happy lads behind TrackMania intend to make full use of it.
As you can see by the screenshot, real world locations have been faithfully reproduced, such as your starting point off the coast of Valencia, Spain.There are oodles of aquatic options to take advatage of in this 12 team battle for sea superiority,including the 10 real-life locations, four skipper types and the ability to create your own water courses. Well let you know more when we do as we get closer to 32nd America’s Cup ‘s release date.
February 15, 2007