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It’s official – Doom Guy’s name is Doom Guy

id Software co-founder, John Romero, has finally opened up on a secret that’s forever shrouded the fan-favourite shooter series, Doom, and revealed that the real name of the mysterious Doomguy is… well, Doom Guy.

To mark the 26th – 26th!!! – anniversary of Doom 2, Romero offered up some Doom-themed goodies to those fans savvy enough to answer some trivia questions. But instead of responding with an answer, one particularly curious fan pressed Romero with a question of their own instead, seeking confirmation of which of the many names given to the character over the years was the correct one.

“I still want to know if Doom Guy’s name is B.J. Blazkowicz, Flynn Taggart, John Kane, or what?” asked one tweeter (thanks, PC Gamer), to which Romero replied simply: “Doom Guy’s name is Doom Guy.”

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ICYMI, Doom Eternal’s upcoming DLC, The Ancient Gods: Part One, will be available to buy as a standalone game. This means fans interested in picking up the new adventure but do not have the base game – or perhaps do have it but have not yet finished the main campaign – will be able to get in on the action when it releases on October 20, 2020.

“When we look at how many people have played through the game we have a large percentage – higher than 2016 – that have completed it, so you’re always looking at that and seeing how far players make it through your game,” Doom Eternal’s executive producer, Marty Stratton, explained at the time. “It’s important as we want the DLC to reach as many people as possible. In fact, you don’t even need to own Doom Eternal to buy the DLC and play it.”

The Ancient Gods: Part One is the first of at least two campaign DLCs coming to Doom Eternal, which was announced at QuakeCon 2020 a few weeks back.

Doom Eternal will be a free upgrade on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

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