Game: The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog (cartoon) Star: Long John Baldryas Dr Ivo ‘Eggman’ Robotnik Known for: Blues legend OK, so he wasn’t actually in a game, but games fans will know his voice from the Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog cartoon from the early nineties, in which he voiced Dr ‘Eggman’ Robotnik. But in terms of star status, his credentials can’t be faulted. How about being the leading act on the bill the Rolling Stones first played on at the Marquee club? Or recording the first British blues album in the 1960s? Or inspiring Eric Clapton to take up music?
Sadly, Long John (so named for his towering height of 6ft 7in) died in 2005, coincidentally in the same year Deem Bristow – the voice of Dr Robotnik from Sonic Adventure and several subsequent Sonic games – died of a heart attack.
Above: Long John Baldry provided the voice for Eggman in the nineties Sonic Cartoon
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