Looks like family film specialists Walden Media really haven’t found a kids’ tome they didn’t want to adapt into a film.
The latest target in their sights is Nim’s Island, written by Wendy Orr, which follows a young girl joining her father on a voyage to a remote island in the South Pacific. But tragedy strikes when he’s lost at sea, and she strikes up a communication with someone she thinks is a fantasy character, but is actually a hermit-like author.
And Walden has zeroed in on a couple of stars for the movie, with Little Miss Sunshine’s bundle of energy Abigail Breslin as the girl and Jodie Foster as the reclusive scribbler. But while neither of them has quite signed on the dotted yet, they’re expected to jump on board shortly, with Mark Levin directing.
Breslin will have to juggle her schedule as she’s also just signed on to the American Girl movie, based on the doll range. She’s agreed to play Kit Kittredge, trying to help save her family as it struggles through the Depression. We’d be more excited about this one, but we’re not a six-year-old girl. Ooh, ponies! Hang on…