Alien Hominid (PS2/Xbox/Cube, 2004) Alien Hominid itself started out as a mini-game of sorts, before making the leap to full-blown console title. In order to plump itself out, it added a bundle of freaky mini-games that were just as colourful as its sweetshop-pretty side-scrolling shooting.
We’ve singled out Soviet Missile Mastar because, well, it’s more an exercise in retro love rather than alluring gameplay. Check it out in the video below. Also, beneath that, you’ll find All You Can Eat, a simple button-bashing workout that’s made all the more entertaining by its choice of soundtrack. Enjoy!
We’ve singled out Soviet Missile Mastar because, well, it’s more an exercise in retro love rather than alluring gameplay. Check it out in the video below. Also, beneath that, you’ll find All You Can Eat, a simple button-bashing workout that’s made all the more entertaining by its choice of soundtrack. Enjoy!
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