Friday 8 September 2006 Football Manager 2007 will offer budding tacticians a true test of their management skills with a challenge mode that places the player at the helm of a randomly selected club team. The game will also add over 100 other new features to the series, including a customisable ‘snapshot’ page, enhanced functions for multi-processor packing PCs and an improved user interface.
This info comes courtesy of Sports Interactive’s boss man, Miles Jacobson, via the developer’s MySpace page. Miles tells us that a new user interface will enable you to select multiple players much like selecting multiple lines in MS Word – click at the beginning, hold shift and click at the end to highlight the lot.
The new game will also add greater detail to news stories, including club logos, player photos and more stats relating to the story. You’ll get even better feedback from your assistant manager, be able to give yourself dual nationality and benefit from the user friendly breakthroughs SI made while transferring the game to 360 and PSP. Football Manager 2007 is out this November.