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Absolute Power #1: DC’s summer event kicks off with a huge issue full of character betrayals, evil A.I., and big changes for Superman

DC’s big summer event is here at last! This week’s Absolute Power #1 is the opening salvo in what looks set to be a massive shake up of the status quo for all of DC’s heroes as Amanda Waller, Failsafe, and the Braniac Queen unleash their terrible plan to take out the world’s superheroes once and for all.

There’s a lot going on in Absolute Power #1, by the dynamic duo of writer Mark Waid and artist Dan Mora, with colors from Alejandro Sánchez, and lettering by Ariana Maher. After the jump we’ll break down all of the major beats from this very fun first issue. But be warned, there will be lots of spoilers, right from the off…

Amanda Waller uses A.I. to fake superhero attacks

A.I. sucks. Yes it does. And in Absolute Power, Amanda Waller uses it to fake a mass superhero attack on innocent civilians, creating footage of Green Lantern, Supergirl, and other heroes going on a homicidal rampage. The news goes viral and soon people are turning on the heroes – leading a mob to almost beat Animal Man to death and burning down the Doom Patrol’s HQ.

The Daily Planet seems like the last bastion of the truth, with Lois Lane declaring that they won’t run “unverified and speculative content” but as she soon discovers, even the Planet has been infiltrated, their servers taken over by an “outside agent.”

The heroes lose all their powers

Turning the public against the heroes is only part of Waller’s plan, though. It’s not enough to simply discredit Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and the rest – she wants to de-power them, too. That’s where the Amazo robots come in. The original Amazo was an android created by the evil Professor Ivo (and in our world by Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky back in the ’60s) that could mimic the powers of its opponents. Now Waller has her hands on a whole cadre of Amazo Robots that have been designed to steal the powers of the heroes they come up against – and this time there is apparently no way to get them back. I’m taking that last bit with a pinch of salt, but the issue does a good job of selling the gravity of the situation.

Superman has been temporarily taken off the board

An early shock in the issue and one that ties into the point above is what happens to Superman. Before we’ve even reached the issue’s title page, a random henchman has panicked and shot the Man of Steel. Normally this would have no effect, but with everyone’s powers vanishing, it’s enough to wound him and send him tumbling from the sky.

That doesn’t mean that Clark is going to be completely benched for the whole of this event, of course. Readers of Batman #150 will already know that – mild spoilers the backup story in that issue establishes that Superman is alive and currently in Bruce Wayne’s care. Still, he’s unlikely to pose much of a threat to Waller right now.

Oliver Queen is working for Amanda Waller

Over the last few months Amanda Waller has been amassing some superhero support of her own. She’s already forced Dreamer into working alongside her, and Peacemaker is, of course, fully signed up. Shockingly, however, Green Arrow Oliver Queen is now a fully paid up member of Team Waller. He’s had a rough few months and in last week’s Green Arrow #13 it was made clear that he’s come to see The Wall’s point of view on things. That issue ended with Ollie abandoning the mantle of Green Arrow with his son Connor Hawke taking it on instead. In Absolute Power #1 Ollie declares that he has chosen to be on “the right side of history,” and accuses his former-friends of failing to effect real change in the world.

Now, how much of this is for real remains to be seen. Green Arrow #13 saw Ollie ruthlessly kick Roy Harper out of a window, but that was ambiguously framed – was he trying to seriously harm Roy, or get him out of the way of Waller and Peacemaker? Given how often Ollie has held the other heroes to account in the past, it makes sense that he would at least consider siding with Amanda Waller, but we’re keeping an open mind on this one until we’ve seen more of where the story is going.

Something very bad is happening to Jonathan Kent

The final few pages of the issue show Jonathan Kent imprisoned and with appear to be cybernetic implants throughout his body. What’s more, he doesn’t seem to have any memory of who he is. It’s not looking good for Superman and Lois’s son, and this transformation is sure to have a lasting impact on the character – we already know that it will be the focus of September’s upcoming Absolute Power: Super Son #1 one-shot from Sina Grace, Nicole Mains, John Timms, and Travis Mercer.

Absolute Power #1 is out now from DC.

Find out more about writer Mark Waid’s plans for Absolute Power in our in-depth interview.

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