Monday 25 September 2006 This new batch of art and images for Assassin’s Creed, the mysterious medieval assassin sim, illustrates a number of new locations from the hunt-and-kill next-gen game and gives you an idea of the scope and style of Ubisoft‘s Middle East action adventure. Point your eyes at the screen below and then hit the images tab to see some gorgeous artwork.
Based in the Crusade-ravaged Middle East, Assassin’s Creed takes you through the bustling city streets of Acre, Damascus and Jerusalem as disgraced master assassin, Altair.
After failing in his mission to assassinate the leader of the Knights Templar, Robert de Sable, and seize the Templar’s legendary treasure, Altair is punished, returned to the lowly rank of Uninitiated and ordered to make amends for his failure.
Above: Assassin’s Creed is huge, spanning three cities and a gigantic open world
The Order of Assassins gives Altair the task of returning peace to the war-torn region. To do this he must scope out the three main cities for tyrants on both sides of the Crusade conflict and eliminate them – but soon Altair begins to see a connection between his targets, leading to a shadowy secret society with dark and dubious motives.
We already know that the medieval world of Assassin’s Creedis not what it seems, and internet rumblings suggest that a run of sequels is planned, spanning other periods of history right through to a futuristic world at threat from the secret society that Altair discovers. We’ve ages to wait until Assassin’s Creed is unleashed next year, though, so why not share your predictionson our forum?