Each day, you’ll get a list of “Wanted” Pokemon If you bring these to the farm by the due date, you’ll get items to use in the farm.Unlike the reporter in Solaceon Town who gives you Poke Balls for bringing him a Pokemon each day in Diamond/Pearl,who always asks for Pokemon that are already in your Pokedex,Yukari asks you for Pokemon you don’t have in your ‘dex, and gives you hints about where to find them in Diamond/Pearl. Since we’ve only been playing for about a week, we’re still not sure what all the rewards are (one is a bell that calls your Pokemon to you), so it’s still unclear how big of an incentive the prizes are, but it’s still a fun way to nudge players into completing their Pokedex.
Above: We got this request for a Machoke on April 2nd, and have until April 12th to bring him to Yukari
Your ranch gains levels as you add Pokemon You can add up to 20 of your own Pokemon each day (real-time), including the Wanted Pokemon that Yukari requests. As you add Pokemon and fulfill Wanted requests, your farm will gain levels, unlocking new features and abilities. When you’re just starting out, you have no control over the camera at all, and the view just slowly moves around the farm. You canmomentarily focus on Pokemon in your field of view by hitting the A button, but that’s about it. Once you have enough Pokemon and your ranch levels up, you’ll unlock the free camera mode so you can control the camera and look around on your own. Our ranch is still small, so we’re not sure what else is in store as the ranch expands, but we know the ultimate limit for Pokemon capacity is 1000. Who knows what happens when you reach 1000? We’re eager to find out.
Above: Palkia gives Bulbasaur a piggyback ride
You can make real trades with Yukari If Yukari really likes a particular Pokemon you’ve brought to the farm, she’ll ask you to trade for one of her Pokemon. This is similar to trading with some of thecharacters in Diamond/Pearl (like the girl who trades you an Abra for a Machop in Oreburgh City). The Pokemon you receive from her in a trade can be transferred onto your DS. We haven’t made any spectacular trades yet, but her Pokemon have some decent hold items, like berries, so that’s a plus. Whether or not she’ll trade you any Legendaries or any other kinds of exclusive Pokemon (a surfing Snorlax, anyone? Just a thought…) is unclear, but that’s what we’re hoping for.
Above: Your shiny Pokemon will stay shiny, like this Shinx from ourShiny Pokemon guide
We’re discovering new things about Pokemon Ranch everyday, so head to ourPokemon forumsfor up-to-the-minute updates and to discuss Pokemon Ranch with your fellow Poke-enthusiasts.For more screenshots, headhere. Apr 4, 2008
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