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GR’s 24 Hour Modern Warfare 2 Marathon!

**UPDATE: We’re playing now! Scroll down for the details!**

Do you like Modern Warfare 2? Did you have fun during our last gaming marathon, or did you miss it? If you bothered to answer either of those questions, you might be interested in this! We’ve agreed to forsake our personal lives and the health of our wrists this Friday to play non-stop rounds of MW2 with our oh-so-lovely GamesRadar readers andTalkRadar/TalkRadar UKlisteners.

From 10 a.m. GMT to 10 p.m. GMT, the UKeditors will be yours to slaughter, provided you givethem a pity kill now and then. After that, theUS team will take over and play their fingers to the bones from 2 p.m. Pacific to 2 a.m. Pacific.

How to

If you’d like to participate (and this assumes you own a copy of MW2), befriend one of the following Xbox Live or PSN IDs and we’ll be sure to return the favor. Note that our XBL accounts can only handle 100 friends each, so please add only one so that there’s room for everyone.

Note: If you were already friends with one of these, you’ll need to re-addit. We booted everyone out to make sure there was space for newcomers…that’s just how we roll.

Want to know what’s going on? We’ll be adding videos to this page, posting in the forums, and Tweeting our asses off all night. You can always check back here to see if we have any announcements, or to find out where to look for the latest.

Follow @GamesRadar on Twitter for our official updates. But also be sure to follow the list,gamesradar-staff, for individual updates from the editors:@Cantista, @Brelston, @Tjcwilde, @grinand, @joemcneilly, @Nathan_Irvine, @David_H_Esq, and@CatGoneCrazy.

Alsocheck out the forum threadfor more of our updates, and to keep in touch with other readers and listeners!

And as per tradition, we’ll of course be keeping you updated with photos and videos of what transpires here in the office, as well as out in Modern Warfare 2 land. Updates will appear below this very sentence.

Updates From the
Front Lines

Saturday, 10:00 a.m. GMT | Saturday, 2:00 p.m. Pacific And we’re done! It is time for us to sleep, though we’ll probably see headshots every time we close our eyes for the next several hours. Thank you to everyone who played with us! We hope to see you in the forums and comments as soon as you’re done with your late-night massacre.

Saturday, 6:23 a.m. GMT | Friday, 10:23 p.m. Pacific The craziness continues, and the beer is taking effect. Ridiculous references to hot sauce and Duke Lombardi are abound! Plus, we finally made it to the secret “Teddy Bear” area in Highrise! Check it out!

Saturday, 3:13 a.m. GMT | Friday, 7:13 p.m. Pacific We’re still going strong, and there’s plenty more evening to come. The booze is flowing and the matches are heating up…literally – our 360’s better not red ring.

Charlie “Bearhat” Barratt, you may have noticed, really likes the Estate map. Brett Elston, on the other hand, really likes cranberry lemonade.

Above: The girly beers are flowing

A bunch of us tried to make it toa secret location on Highrise that Robert Bowling, Infinity Ward‘s Community Manager, showed us during a preview event. Mostly we just flew into the abyss over and over, so we eventually decided to just take a group photo on the helipad. Of course it was constantly interrupted by the one guy who decidesstick aSemtex to the center of the group.

Above: CHEESE!

Saturday, 12:30 a.m. GMT | Friday, 4:30 p.m. Pacific The US team is busy getting battle hardened, with Chris Antista, Brett Elston, Tyler Wilde, Charlie Barratt, and Mikel Reparaz kicking ass (or getting asses kicked).

Above: Chris Antista, possibly winning, possibly being beat, possibly yelling “**** YOU!” to readers

And, we also have a special guest in the office: AJ Glasser, Kotaku’s San Francisco corrospondent and GR friend! We will force her to play a few rounds later.

Above: AJ is totally blogging up the place

If you haven’tlanded in a match yet, hold tight – there’s plenty more evening to go. At the moment, Tyler Wilde and Brett Elston are taking a break for a booze run, and in about two hours, our mic chatter will be a lot more amusing and slurred. Look forward to it!

Above: Brett’s game face – oh it’s ON bitches!

Friday, 10:00 p.m. GMT | 2:00 p.m. Pacific The action begins in the US withBrett Elston, andthe rest of the team is jumping in imminently.In other news, if you need some soothing background noise with your Modern Warfare 2,the latest episode of TalkRadaris now live! Give it a listen!

Friday, 8:30 p.m. GMT | 12:30 p.m. Pacific GamesRadar’s UK editors are well into their fight against carpal tunnel syndrome and sobriety. In their words via the@GamesRadar twitter account: “Things are getting serious now – we’ve added another TV and another PS3. It’s getting hotter. Six men in a room. Cundy’s back is wet.”

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