Nov 29, 2007
Harmonix has assured usit’s hot on the case regarding resolving issues with Rock Band on PS3.
“Some of you have contacted us about the PS3 edition of Rock Band – from issues with guitar compatibility to frustration that stand-alone guitars and drums for Rock Band have not yet hit stores,” the company has said in a statement.
“We are committed to providing the best play experience possible and working hard to ensure that we solve these problems as soon as possible. We promise to keep you updated and, in the meantime, we thank you for your patience.”
It adds that the issues have “our full attention” and that it’s taking onboard all comments posted on its forums. In related news, Harmonix has admitted that a batch of Rock Band guitars released to retail did indeed have broken strum bars. “We’ve since identified and fixed the issue in all subsequent production runs of the guitars.”
Consumers with faulty guitars have been advised to visitEA’s Rock Band support site to get a replacement.