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Jack Thompson hounds Rockstar boss’s… mother

Jack Thompson, the anti-GTA lawyer, has fumed at the production of the “murder simulator” GTA IV in a letter sent to the mom of Rockstar boss Strauss Zelnick.

“The pornography and violence that your son traffics in is the kind of stuff that most mothers would be ashamed to see their son putting into the hands of other mothers’ children,” he ranted.

“Maybe you, Mrs. Zelnick, were so taken by your handsome son that you spared the rod and spoiled the child. That would explain why he has brought you, by the way he presently acts, to shame.”

He goes on to claim that experts hold GTA and Strauss’s “entrepreneurial energy,” in part, responsible for a “plethora of cop killings.”

He goes on to say: “Your son, this very moment, is doing everything he possibly can to sell as many copies of GTA IV to teen boys. If you trained up Strauss to do this, then shame on you.”

“What you will see in your son’s game,” he added, “if this iteration is anything like its predecessors, is incredible interactive violence aimed at police officers (whom you can shoot in the head and see the blood spray), innocent bystanders (whom you can run over with your car just for the heck of it).”

Then he tries pulling on the heart strings: “Happy Mothers’ Day, Mrs. Zelnick, which this year is May 11, two weeks after your son unleashes porn and violence upon other mothers’ boys. I’m sure you’re very proud.”

And somehow, this will get her to stop the sale of GTA IV – because Strauss Zelnick is still afraid of getting grounded, despite being a grown man.

Courtesy of CVG.

Apr 25, 2008

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