The first lot of Western Lost Odyssey download content has turned up on Xbox Live Marketplace – but it’s not much worth getting excited about. Check out thescreens.
Above: Just what this game needed – MORE text
The ‘Triple Bonus Pack’ gives you three new items for 200 Microsoft Points (£1.70 or $2.50); the “Memory Lamp”, which lets you watch past event scenes all over again, “Shattered Bond,” an antique that brings back “the memory of a forgotten dream” and a special ring called the “Killer Machine.”
We’ve no idea what the last one does, but unless it adds two new dungeons and a bigger sword, we’re feeling a bit let down.
Japan meanwhile, has just received one new dungeon, a single rare item and an extra boss encounter for 400 Microsoft points. When do we get that one, Microsoft?
Check out what we thought of Lost Odyssey inour review.
Apr 25, 2008