Netflix has revealed the first trailer for their upcoming Dragon’s Dogma anime series, and it paints a bleak picture as protagonist Ethan seeks to exact revenge on a dragon for destroying his home.
The trailer combines a good mix of story and action, setting up Ethan’s story while foreshadowing some of the awful things he’ll come across on his journey. “After losing his home to a dragon, Ethan sets out to hunt it down once and for all. A pawn appears by his side and serves to protect his life. But the dangers that lie in wait for Ethan are beyond their imaginations, for when you fight a monster… you just may become one too,” reads the series’ official synopsis.
The story sounds vaguely similar to what happens in Capcom‘s 2012 video game, which has developed something of a cult following. Dragon’s Dogma first launched on PS3 and Xbox 360, later being ported to Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch.
Netflix first announced the Dragon’s Dogma anime series back in March 2019. The streaming service is releasing the series in partnership with anime studio Sublimation Inc. Without a ton of recognizable credits to their name, it’s hard to know what to expect from the Dragon’s Dogma anime series. Though, if the Netflix Castlevania anime adaptation is any indication, we could be in for quite a treat.
Dragon’s Dogma is set to premiere exclusively on Netflix September 17.
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