Everybody’s Fine , a remake of the 1990 Guiseppe Tornatore film Stanno Tuttie Bene, stars Robert DeNiro as a widower who takes an improptu road trip to reconnect with each of his grown children, only to discover their lives are far from perfect.
Co-starring Drew Barrymore, Sam Rockwell and Kate Beckinsale as his offspirng (that’s quite the litter), the film was written and directed by Kirk Jones, who last brought the world Irish Lotto comedy Waking Ned .
Check out the trailer, thanks to the tasty individuals at comingsoon.net;
Okay so its familiar territory, and not exactly a stretch for anybody involved, but there is enough warmth and wit to make it a charming prospect, and plus, we’ll watch anything with Kate beckinsale (see Whiteout as a good examle of this).
Is everybody fine? Or is everybody screwed? Share your deepest fears.