Guitar Hero II (PS2, Xbox 360, Wii) Of course, it’s fun to play Guitar Hero. But to get a flawless run using all five buttons? That takes dedication. If you can get a perfect run on Expert, you can probably play real guitar with those fingering skills. Using the whammy bar properly not only looks cool, but adds points to your score too. And using the tilt function to rock out isn’t just for show, either – more points await.
It may look like the very opposite of everything a serious score attack game should be like, but look past the Bill & Ted styling and you’ve got a fiendishly challenging score attack game underneath, worthy of any serious gamer’s time.
It may look like the very opposite of everything a serious score attack game should be like, but look past the Bill & Ted styling and you’ve got a fiendishly challenging score attack game underneath, worthy of any serious gamer’s time.
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