Top 5 This Week

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TalkRadar 28 – givin’ away games!

You read that right – THIRTY free games are up for grabs this week for those who listen and follow the rules. It’s not hard. Hell all you really need to do is show up and you’re almost guaranteed a game. They’re all the same game, but hey, free is free. Free!

Plus stuff about Sonic Unleashed, the stupidest moments from Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe and some of the worst game commercials EVAR.

Explicit Content Within! Persons with delicate ears should definitely not listen, as they will hear edgy no-no words freely spoken on South Park and HBO.

11-21-08 | Length – 2:05:26 | Opening song byAnamanaguchi

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The Top 7…outrageously camp bad guys – we shine the spotlight on these poor, poor attention whores

The surprising origins of your favorite games– so surprising, in fact, it posted a week early!

Sonic Unleashed– guess what? It’s not that great. Oh, what a ride

Mortal Kombat vs DCU– stupid story or stupidest story?


Quote of the week: “It’s too rad for one syllable. It’s Radderson.”

For more TalkRadar (and yes, you do want more) browse ourpast episodes.

Above: Meet the new Brett. Same as the old Brett

Above: Instead of a desk, Chris works in and around a pile of junk

Above: Not quite 30 games to be honest, and they’re all WWE games, but hey, free is free is free. Plus we hear it’s good this time!

Above: Shane and Mikel reenact Shane’s run-in with Jade Raymond at a party last week. Big ups to Mr. Kohler over atWired Nov 21, 2008

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