Submission-trained Superstars prefer to target a specific limb for destruction to get the edge on their opponents. In addition to being highly skilled in the offensive use of every known submission hold, Superstars trained in the art of submission are just as proficient at escaping them as well.
Primary Ability:
Ultimate Submission – Use a stored Fighting Style Icon to transform a normal hold into an agonizing ultimate submission hold, causing even greater pain to your opponent.
Secondary Abilities:
The Lock Pick – If opponents make the mistake of going for an early tap out, show them who they’re in the ring with by immediately powering out their submission holds.
Recovery Hold – Each time you wrench away at your opponent in an excruciating submission hold, the faster your Superstar will heal from previously sustained damage.
Technical Superstars are skilled in all manners of wrestling technique. Their defensive acumen is what sets them apart as they are always thinking several steps ahead of their opponents.
Primary Ability:
Technically Sound – Get your Superstar in the zone with a stored Fighting Style Icon, making them automatically counter all opponent attacks.
Secondary Abilities:
Technical Immunity – If your opponent underestimates you at the beginning of a match, automatically reverse all Strong Grapple and Ultimate Control Moves to show you’ve been doing your research.
Out Of The Ring Dive Attacks – There’s nowhere for your opponents to hide, so if they slip out of the ring, send your Superstar diving over the top rope and onto the floor below.
PIT Maneuver – While dashing toward your opponent, quickly duck behind him to catch him off guard and wide open to an attack from behind.
Fake Irish Whip – When performing an Irish Whip, toy with opponents by pulling them back in for a finishing move.
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