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The virtual junkie’s guide to gaming’s drug spots

BioShock | 2K Games | PC, Xbox 360 | 2007 Littered with more syringes, booze and fags than a squatter’s hovel, your simulated smackhead will initially think they’ve stumbled into junkie heaven when they sniff out all the free gear lying about the seemingly deserted city of Rapture. But be warned – getting whacked on Rapture’s drugs, known as plasmids, isn’t conducive to a few hours of quiet obliteration. Far from it, in fact. Not only will you find yourself bestowed with a range of extraordinary powers, but you’ll spend most of your time fending off other plasmid-addicted loonies – known as Splicers – that are all hungry for your stash. And when it comes to drugs, the only thing worse than not having any, is being forced to share what you’ve got. While Rapture’s radio broadcasts warn of the dangers of too much splicing – acquire yourself a habit and you might suffer from the “plasmid blues” – we’d also offer some advice of our own: steer clear of the little girls with the glowing eyes. Mess with them and you might end up on the wrong end of a drill wielded by a giant in a diver’s suit. And when you’re suffering from a paranoid comedown psychosis, that’s the last bloody thing you need. The Warriors | Rockstar | PS2, PSP, Xbox | 2005 1970’s New York. Gang culture. Lots of gay-looking men in denim. There absolutely has to be drugs stuffed into the orifice of this one and, sure enough, loitering in the game’s many dark corners are ‘flash’ dealers looking to ‘fix up’ the virtual junkie. Yet despite the promising sales pitch of the pushers (“you looking to dose?”) the effect is actually nothing more than a salubrious boost to your health. “You gonna be a machine tonight” the dealer promises as you hand over your $20, but one quick snort later and you realise that all you get for your money is a brief bit of screen wobble and an energy replenishment. You’d be better off sticking some guarana up your arse. At least it would save a few bucks. The bottom line here is that flash is just a bog standard power-up parading as something more appealing for the drug hungry avatar. Don’t be fooled. Just say no.

Above: BioShock’s city of Rapture offers a generous menu of poisons, although the most exotic resides in the barrel of a syringe

Above: BioShock’s city of Rapture offers a generous menu of poisons, although the most exoticresides in the barrel of a syringe









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