Elden Ring‘s latest patch has buffed a Shadow of the Erdtree Incantation to the point where it’s melting through bosses in a matter of seconds.
Meet Rain of Fire. If you didn’t already know about it, this Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree-exclusive Incantation has the player thrusting their hands to the ground for a good few seconds to bring forth a torrential rain of fiery pellets hammering the area around them. It admittedly wasn’t anything special, but Elden Ring’s patch 1.13 changed all that yesterday.
The patch increased the Incantation’s attack power, and also reduced the interval between each hit, effectively making it faster and more furious. The Elden Ring community has already judged it to be a “massive buff,” with one Reddit user below claiming it does upwards of 3,000 damage if you have a Faith level of 80, while the other claims to have done over 2,000 damage on multiple enemies.
If you need a visual representation of just how powerful the Incantation is now, look no further than the two examples below. Rain of Fire now decimates the Putrid Avatar’s health bar in mere seconds, and as the tweet below in particular demonstrates, the buff for the Incantation genuinely was massive. This thing should be in every player’s arsenal now for boss encounters.
In similar news, the new Elden Ring significantly buffed Spirit Summons to the point where they’re tanking bosses for the player, and the entire action RPG is being labeled a “spectator sport.” Perhaps that’s a going a little overboard, but some Spirit Ash Summons in particular are genuinely single-handedly taking down bosses for the Tarnished.