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We’ve got 14 Uncharted 2 beta keys for ya!

UPDATE: Contest over! Thanks to everyone who entered, we loved all of your answers. Unfortunately, there were a lot of you, and not a lot of beta keys. If your entry was selected, you should have a private message from one of us with your key.

If you didn’t win – don’t be discouraged, we’re always giving stuff away! Checkfor new contest announcementsin our features, on ourTwitter account,in ourforums, andby listening to TalkRadar(new episodes post every Friday).

Congratulations to the winners!

Sony’s running an Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta until June 29. Want in? Winning a key to PS3’s hottest sequel this side of God of War III is remarkably easy. First, re-acquaint yourself with the six minute gameplay demo that rocked our bitter, weary faces…

… and tell us the coolest, most interesting thing you saw or noticed about the gameplay. Maybe it’s something obvious, maybe it’s a nuance other people aren’t picking up on – who knows. The 14 we like best win the Uncharted 2 beta keys.

Winners will be announced Monday via private message to their GamesRadar account, and mentioned again in next week’s TalkRadar podcast.

Enter below!

Oh, and a little something for the lawyers.

Jun 5, 2009

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