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SPOILER ALERT! In case you didn’t notice that you’re reading aGrand Theft Auto IVwalkthrough, we just wanted to give you a fair warning that you are perilously close to uncovering some serious plot spoilers. For those of you who want to relish every twist and turn inGTA IV‘s sordid story, we suggest that you quickly click herefor a completely spoiler-free version of this walkthrough, therebyavoiding any game-ruining revelations (and while you’re at it,remember to check out ourGrand Theft Auto IV Information Hub). But if you’re the type of person that wants to know how a movie ends before you see it or the sort that secretly opens his Christmas presents before December 25th, read on for detailed descriptions that’ll guide you through every story mission from beginning to end.
The Cousins Bellic A nice easy introduction to GTA’s driving. Drive to Roman’s place with your drunk cousin in tow. If you fail this, you’ve got a long road ahead.
It’s your Call Another simple mission, and your first chance to use your mobile phone. Just watch out for the loan sharks and phone Roman when they arrive. Get back to the depot. Easy.
Three’s A Crowd Another mission with the loan sharks. Pick up Mallory at the subway. Then go pick up Michelle, then take her back to her apartment. Call Roman and he’ll tell you to buy some clothes – just don’t spend too much, because money’s tight at the moment.
First Date Here you need to take Michelle bowling. We’re not sure if you need to win, but she’s so hopeless at bowling that you probably will anyway. Then just take her home. After this, you can call her anytime to set up another date.
Bleed Out Go and find Roman on the basketball court. You’re going to have to fight the people beating him up, but try to only take on one at a time, or you’ll get surrounded. Use the disarm on Darden to take his knife away and then stab him.
Easy Fare This is your first cab mission for Roman. Pick up Jermaine, take him where he wants, then lose the cops. After this you’ll be able to take on taxi missions to earn extra money.
Jamaican Heat Pick up little Jacob and take him where he wants. Go to the vantage point and wait for dealers – if you stay where you‘re told, there‘s no chance of them hitting you. Shoot them all, then get back to Jacob’s house. Another easy mission.
Concrete Jungle This is your first chance to do some in-car shooting, but it’s just as easy to run Little Jacob’s competitors over. After that’s done, take Jacob to the dealers’ house and let him keep them busy while you shoot everyone. This mission introduces cover shooting if you haven’t done it yet.
Bull In A China Shop Go to the shop that‘s giving Vlad trouble, and throw a brick through window to convince them to pay up. This brick trick’s handy for causing a distraction in situations when pulling a gun might be considered going a bit far.
Hung Out To Dry Here you’re chasing the owner of the Laundromat, so you’ll want to pick a fairly chunky car to ram him off the road – if you hit him directly from behind you might go through the windshield. There’s a car out the back you can hotwire, but a Patriot might be a better choice.
Clean Getaway Here you just need to catch the subway, then punch out the two guys there. If you’ve got a gun, just shoot them. Then it’s off to the car wash and then to the garage to finish the mission.
Ivan The Not So Terrible Ivan’s a pretty ropey driver, so the tough bit of this mission’s chasing him across the rooftops. Chase him in car, across rooftops, stamp on his hands or let him go. This might affect what happens later, though…
Uncle Vlad Head to Comrades but park your car out back and equip a shotgun. Pop the bodyguards, sprint through the doors, drive out front and make sure you pick up Roman, then follow Vlad. You need to be quick, but you finally get to execute the guy who’s been causing you so much grief.
Crime and Punishment This is the first mission where you need to get a cop car: to do it, either call 911 – although this means one guy will stay in the car and need to be dealt with – or fire into the air to attract police attention. This way both cops will leave their car to investigate, and you can steal it without getting a wanted rating. Now all you have to do is pull over vans – but make sure you’ve got a shotgun equipped for when things inevitably go wrong.
Do You Have Protection? Drive to the Sex shop, then kneecap the guy Faustin tells you to. Head back to the gun shop and you‘ll be rewarded with an SMG.
Final Destination Here you’re heading to the subway to whack a guy. Have a gun ready, because one of his bodyguards has an SMG and you need to take him out fast. After that’s done, sprint across the tracks and pop your target before he gets in a car. Or shoot out his tyres and kill him when he crashes.
No Love Lost This is one of the first missions where there’s no point in shooting at your target – you just need to be careful you don’t fall off your bike and chase him at a distance. When his gang turns up in the park, dismount at a distance from them, and use trees as cover while you shoot them all. There’s no rush for this.
Rigged To Blow Here Faustin’s given you a truck rigged with a bomb. Drive carefully, because one or two knocks will make it explode. Just take it to the destination, and watch it blow from a distance. Easy.
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