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Assassin’s Creed II: Glyphs and statuettes guide

If you’ve been playing Assassin’s Creed II for a while, you already know that the 100 hidden feathers that litter the game are only the beginning of what the game offers obsessive collector-types. The real prizes are the Glyphs, 20 semi-hidden signs left plastered on certain landmarks, which were hacked into the Animus by the mysterious Subject 16. Once you’ve found them – which can be tough considering the size of some of the marked buildings – you’ll then be tasked with solving a brief series of puzzles before you can crack the increasingly horrifying conspiracy story within. And after that’s all done, you can finally piece together the snippets of video left behind by Subject 16 and figure out who this woman is:

Read on, and we’ll show you where every last Glyph is hiding and the solutions to their puzzles (in a separate section) – and, as a bonus, we’ll also show you where to find all the statues in Monteriggioni, so you can pocket an easy 8,000 florins and the Myth Maker Achievement/Trophy. True completionists will also want to check out our feathers and treasures guide – and if you’re still on the fence about whether to buy the game, why not read our review?


FLORENCEGlyphs MapLa Rosa ColtaSanta CroceOspedale Degli InnocentiSan LorenzoMercato Vecchio

MONTERIGGIONIGlyphs and Statuettes MapVilla AuditoreStatuette Guide

TUSCANY/SAN GIMIGNANOGlyphs MapMonte Oliveto MaggioreAntico Teatro RomanoSanta Maria Assunta/Torre GrossaTorri dei SalvucciTorre dei Diavolo

ROMAGNA/FORLIGlyphs MapAvamposto VenezianoAbbazia di San Mercuriale

VENICEGlyphs MapGilda dei Ladri di VeneziaSan Giacomo di RialtoPonte di RialtoScuola Grande di San MarcoTorre Dell’OrologioCampanile di San MarcoSan Pietro di Castello

PUZZLE SOLUTIONSPuzzle 1 | Puzzle 2 | Puzzle 3 | Puzzle 4 | Puzzle 5 | Puzzle 6 | Puzzle 7 | Puzzle 8 | Puzzle 9 | Puzzle 10 | Puzzle 11 | Puzzle 12 | Puzzle 13 | Puzzle 14 | Puzzle 15 | Puzzle 16 | Puzzle 17 | Puzzle 18 | Puzzle 19 | Puzzle 20 |




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